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Testing IAP for Google play from Myanmar

Sign and build the unity game for playstore
Upload APK to alpha release
Add In-app products in the playstore publisher console

Open Flash VPN and connect to USA or others
Settings -> App -> Playstore -> Clear Data
Settings -> App -> YourApp -> Clear Data

Now can test the game from your application!

Let’s recap here:
  1. Your app is published (i.e., not in draft).
  2. The APK must be published (either production, alpha or beta channels).
  3. The APK you uploaded matches the one you’re testing with when it comes to version code, version name, and keystore signature.
  4. When testing on the device, you’re using a different account than the one tied to the Play Console (i.e., not your developer account).
  5. The instructions to wait 15 minutes are a bit too optimistic, as it can take up to 2 hours for changes to propagate from the Play Console.
  6. Double check that the SKU you’re using in the app matches the one for the product that was configured in the Play Console.
  7. Double check that you’re not trying to purchase an already owned product or an already active subscription.
  8. Double check that you have activated your products in the Play Console: by default, products in the console are deactivated and you need to manually activate them.
  9. If you’re using the alpha/beta channels, make sure that the account you’re testing with is part of the testing group (i.e., has clicked on “Become a tester” after following the opt-in URL).
  10. If you use ABI flavors, like arm-v7, arm-v8, etc., make sure the APK you’re using for testing contains all the ABI libraries.
  11. Make sure that, when retrieving the Intent using getBuyIntent, you’re passing the correct product type, i.e., inapp if you’re purchasing managed in-app products or subs if you’re purchasing subscriptions.
  12. If you’re using the public key for enhanced security, make sure it matches the one on the Play Console because it might change over time (see here).
  13. Check that Google Play Services are updated on the test device by going to the Google Play Services page on the Play Store.
As you can see, the sandbox is far from straightforward when it comes to real usage, but at least now we have a few extra hints to start looking for a solution!


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