add the following line at the activity tag in your androidmanifest.xml file <meta-data android:name="unityplayer.SkipPermissionsDialog" android:value="true" />
Integrating Monogame with XAML Metro UI If you're coming from the previous section, you now have a metro UI application project with blank page and also have monogame.windows8 library reference to the project. Now Let's fix some source code for the pages to get XAML working with monogame. Step01 ( Hacking App.xaml.cs file) App.xaml.cs delivers the most important start point while rendering a particular page in Metro UI application. I added gamePage and mainPage as a public variables as they become accessible from other classes to for page nagivations. Here is the source code for to see what it looks like for the final App.xaml.cs file. sealed partial class App : Application { public ContentManager Content { get; set; } public GameServiceContainer Services { get; set; } public GamePage gamePage; public MainPage mainPage; ...
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