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Deploying Blackberry application in Unity

If you have a new Unity project and you want to test your unity application to the actual blackberry devices, it takes more steps to perform than other platforms.

Registering RIM Signing authority

  • Switch to Blackberry platform in Bulding settings and select Player Settings.
  • Go to the publishing settings of Blackberry platform and in the RIM Signing Authority group, click register.
  • Now you have to browse and select the client-PBDT-xxxxx.csj and client-RDK-xxxx.csj file that is emailed to you from Blackberry when registered as a developer from Blackberry appworld site.
  • Type in the PIN that you set during registering in developer
  • Set the password for the file as well and click OK.. 
  • Now you can have your status changed to Registered.

Creating Debug Tokens

  • In the Debug Token group, click Create and it will open a new dialog box to start creating the debug token for your app.
  • Click browse and save your new debug token to your computer.
  • Now you can add a new PIN for any devices that you want to add on.
  • Go to Settings->About->Categories->Hardware on your real blackberry device and you can see your device PIN and enter that PIN  and click add.
  • After you've added all the device tokens for you team, click generate to register device tokens with Blackberry.

Uploading token to the device

  • Now go to the Settings->Security and Privacy->Development Mode and toggle on.
  • Now note the IP address of your device and set as a device password in Device Configuration group of the Unity Editor.
  • No if you click upload in Device Token group, your device is ready for deploying Unity blackberry applications.


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