If you've developed a quality android game and published on the Google PlayStore, your new app will just sink among a large amount of apps and games on PlayStore even if your app is alot better than most of the published apps and games. Google Play doesn't have an QA process and everyone can submit anything which includes a lot of un-quality apps on the PlayStore. Here is the list of store that you should also submit to get better visibility of your app.\ Referenced from this site . English Appstores https://developer.amazon.com/welcome.html http://developer.vodafone.com/ http://developer.samsung.com/home.do http://slideme.org/ http://www.androidpit.com/en/android/developers-info http://www.applandinc.com/products/developers/ http://appslib.com/developers/index.html https://www.aptoide.com/account/new-user http://developer.lenovomm.com/developer/ http://developer.mobango.com/view/homedeveloper.php?developerHeader=1 http://cp.nexva.com/user/login https://noo...