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Showing posts from July, 2013

Android App store list

If you've developed a quality android game and published on the Google PlayStore, your new app will just sink among a large amount of apps and games on PlayStore even if your app is alot better than most of the published apps and games. Google Play doesn't have an QA process and everyone can submit anything which includes a lot of un-quality apps on the PlayStore. Here is the list of store that you should also submit to get better visibility of your app.\ Referenced from this site . English Appstores https://noo...

Performance Optimising tips for Unity Mobile platforms

If you're using Unity3D for your mobile games whether it's 2D or  3D game, you will need to optimise both your codes and GPU usage to get your game smoothly running in mobile platforms. 1. Always use the Performance Profiler Set the build to development mode and keep connecting the USB to the computer while running the game on the device 2. Use static batching if you're using Unity Pro 3. Use dynamic batching for the objects that're always moving 4. Optimise the physics usage Use Built-in Physics Use 1/1 Scale all the time Don't use mesh colliders Set the Mass the right one Use the fixed timestep (0.03-0.05)  Edit->Project Settings->Time Use TimeScale scaling 5. Sprites and Texture optimisation Lower the fillrates - (Trim the textures that has alpha transparancy) Hide the sprites that're not using (Offscreen) Use Dynamic batching by using texture atlases resize the sprite's quad not the gameobject's transform ...

Deploying Blackberry application in Unity

If you have a new Unity project and you want to test your unity application to the actual blackberry devices, it takes more steps to perform than other platforms. Registering RIM Signing authority Switch to Blackberry platform in Bulding settings and select Player Settings. Go to the publishing settings of Blackberry platform and in the RIM Signing Authority group, click register. Now you have to browse and select the client-PBDT-xxxxx.csj and client-RDK-xxxx.csj file that is emailed to you from Blackberry when registered as a developer from Blackberry appworld site. Type in the PIN that you set during registering in developer Set the password for the file as well and click OK..  Now you can have your status changed to Registered. Creating Debug Tokens In the Debug Token group, click Create and it will open a new dialog box to start creating the debug token for your app. Click browse and save your new debug token to your computer. Now you can add a n...