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Porting Unitys' default render pipeline to URP/LWRP

1 - First install Universal Rendering Pipeline package from Windows->PackageManager 2 - Create a new universal render pipeline asset       Right click on project windows and then Create->Rendering->Universal Render Pipeline ->      Pipeline Asset 3 - Add the created asset to graphics settings Edit->Project Settings > Graphics and also in the quality windows to your chosen quality 4 - Upgrade Scene shaders Edit > Rendering Pipeline > Universal Pipeline > Upgrade Project Materials 5 - Now use incremental GC to get even better performance from Edit > Project Settings > Player > Use incremental GC Now your project is URP Ready and getting better performance magically!
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Integrating apple id signin with Unity

1 - Download Unity apple id sign in package 2 - Build the sample project file to XCode 3 - Add Authentication services frameworking inside UnityFramework->General->Framework&Libraries 4 - Mark as optional for the new services in UnityFramework->BuildPhases->LinkBinaryWithLibraries 5 - Add capability from Unity-iPhone -> Signing&Capabilities -> Add -> Sign in with Apple Build the app and now completed!

Resolving the app install conflicts for firebase notifications!

Most of the time when you cloned a Unity project which has firebase notification integrated, No matter what bundle ID you changed for the newly cloned project, you'll always received resolve conflicts error. Mainly because whenever you import firebase SDK and make jar resolve, google play services repackage some of the .aar files with the old bundle ID unless you make the force resolve again! The first options would be 1 - Delete all the .aar files in the Plugins->Android folder 2 - Go to Assets->PlayService resolver->Android->Force resolve and the required .aar files will be rebuilt using the new bundle ID But for some reason if you don't want to use force resolve options, you can  manually modify some of the aar file and rebuild the apk again. 1 - Look for and file inside Android plugins folder 2 - change .aar file to .zip file and extract them to seperate...

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Steps to add IAP for Unity iOS and publishing steps

Adding IAP Create a new app ID and create a new app using that ID on apple connect Add IAP and make sure that screenshots are provided to get the IAP in Ready to Submit state. To test IAP on test account, you need to wait between 12-24 hours to make the product available to test. App installation failed, Could not write to the device Restart your iphone and xcode. Sometimes restart Mac or build 3-4 times If you have another device such as iPad, build and run for that device and then run it back with previous device again Building to device Export XCode project from Unity as usual. Create new development certificate for building into the device Mark automatic code signing if you're in development and testing the app Select your team in the provision profile Note : If you're using onesignal, make sure you also select your team in targets in onesignal project as well. Publishing to appstore Create distribution profile for app and download it U...

Testing IAP for Google play from Myanmar

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Integrating Google mobile ads in Unity iOS

Step 01 Download MobileAdsUnity plugins package and import it to Unity application! Note: Before building your unity project, make sure that you've the latest pod gem installed in your MAC. You need to install atleast pod 1.0.0 to properly integrate google mobile ads idk Step 02 Build Unity iOS project Step 03 In the xCode project folder, if you haven't installed pod yet, go inside the application's Xcode project root folder from terminal and pod install, pod update to install latest google mobile iOS framework Step 04 Open Xcode project and hit run