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Showing posts from 2019

Resolving the app install conflicts for firebase notifications!

Most of the time when you cloned a Unity project which has firebase notification integrated, No matter what bundle ID you changed for the newly cloned project, you'll always received resolve conflicts error. Mainly because whenever you import firebase SDK and make jar resolve, google play services repackage some of the .aar files with the old bundle ID unless you make the force resolve again! The first options would be 1 - Delete all the .aar files in the Plugins->Android folder 2 - Go to Assets->PlayService resolver->Android->Force resolve and the required .aar files will be rebuilt using the new bundle ID But for some reason if you don't want to use force resolve options, you can  manually modify some of the aar file and rebuild the apk again. 1 - Look for and file inside Android plugins folder 2 - change .aar file to .zip file and extract them to seperate...

Modifying apk file manifest file using apk tool Step 01 - Install frameworkd for apk file apktool if appname.apk Step 02 - Decompile apk file apktool d appname.apk Step 03 - Fixed androidmanifest.xml file if needed Step 04 - Build apk file from the folder and your new apk file is at appname/dist folder apktool b appname Step 05 - Sign apk file with keystore jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore MREEnglish.keystore mre_english.apk mre-english Step 06 - Align apk file to be able to upload to playstore again cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\build-tools\28.0.3\ zipalign -f -v 4 mre_english_64bit-signed.apk "D:\mre_english_64bit-signed-aligned.apk"